Task - read through Stream Media's web page. \text { Percent of } \\ Smooth out your engagment and gain more track speed! G Burton (2000) said genres must contain The familiar and the unexpected; something must add to the genre pool. Past papers are a fantastic way to prepare for an exam as you can practise the questions in your own time. This is merely to say that the personal and social consequences of any medium - that is, of any extension of ourselves - result from the new scale that is introduced into our affairs by each extension of ourselves, or by any new technology., men at once become fascinated by any extension of themselves in any material other than themselves (McLuhan, The Gadget Lover: Narcissus as Narcosis 1964). Lean Back 2.0 develops the theory and says that the digital age provides a richer lean back experience than before. A level media attitud poskod negeri sembilan Kasturi Height Bandar Baru Nilai State Name. Kevin Kelly better than free analysed the impact of the internet on information and concluded: When copies are super abundant, they become worthless; When copies are super abundant, stuff which cant be copied becomes scarce and valuable. What similarities do these magazines have to Attitude? Hi! Semantic Code (denotation and connotation): This code refers toconnotationwithin the story that gives additional meaning over the basic denotative meaning of the word. Class purpose General learning; This pack was created from the iOS Brainscape App. 1994 - ikea ad - 2 guys shopping for house, Dominant groupings shape for culture ideas, values and ideology of society ( Atheide 1984). He looks at opposites as a key way of structuring and driving narrative. At A2 (and AS) you can't afford to answer an exam with generalisations, you need some substance to back you up, and if it's not with hard facts and case studies, then you'll need your 'guide to theorists' to help you. In its place comes a new paradigm of authority and knowledge formed under the pressure of new technologies and contemporary social forces. The cultural codes tend to point to our shared knowledge about the way the world works. Adapt in various social media platforms and office technology programs. Gauntlett - His name comes up a few times in terms of how technology influences our identity but also notably for identifying the following about the role of media studies and the impact the web is having on audiences and institutions: Fetishises 'experts - A world ruled by Media Gods, thus celebrates key texts produced by media moguls and conglomerates. Furthermore, rather than being a fixed attribute in a person, she argues that gender should be seen as a fluid variable which shifts and changes in different contexts and at different times. However, the media reinforces and exaggerates stereotypical male and female behaviour, which we adopt as normal. Candide: The indomitable hero who cannot be put down, e.g. Consumption has become a collective process None of us can know everything; each of us knows something; we can put the pieces together if we pool our resources . Timeline of LGBTQ+ special moments in history? Cultural Code: (referential code) Something that is read with understanding due to cultural awareness (e.g. e.g. If you are not sure which exam board you are studying ask your teacher. Genres are agents of ideological closure; they limit the meaning potential of a given text e.g. In this new age, humankind will move from individualism and fragmentation to a collective identity, with a "tribal base." Romeo And Juliet: The love story, e.g. Genre films share certain fundamental characteristics. Auteur theory draws on the work of cinema enthusiasts who wrote Cahiers du Cinema and argued that a directors vision should be reflected in their films. either illustrative or amplifying. This resource is a breakdown of all of the key facts regarding the industry context for the set text I, Daniel Blake (2016). The main practice of RKK is chanting. Giroux - Focused on youth representations as 'empty categories' because most media representations are constructed by adults. Determine the amount of the (a) down payment and (b) mortgage loan. Levi Strauss - believed that the way we understand certain words depends not so much on any meaning they themselves directly contain, but by our understanding of the difference between the word and its 'opposite' or, as he called it 'binary opposite'. We thus seek creative opportunity in other parts of our life; Love objects - They need something to love and if they do not have something they will buy or make one; Sense of power - when we are in control we have a sense of ability to choose and perhaps possess power over others; Roots - we seek roots but in seeking to satisfy other needs we make ourselves rootless; Immortality we seek to create meaning in our lives so we may live beyond death. A-Level Media Studies - Component 1: Media Products, Industries and Audiences (A680U10-1) Download Paper - Download Mark Scheme. theories of cultural industries including those of Hesmondhalgh. People doing things because they want to is always better than people watching things because they are there. Ken Robinson, Spontaneity takes practice - Csikszentmihalyi (or a theorist), Ken Robinson identified creative habits of mind: Flexibility alternate ways of thinking; Willingness - to think the impossible; Confidence - to try things out; Ability - to handle uncertainty - perseverance in adversity, the ability to create BIG HINT! Also came up with the concept of 'folk devils'. Fairfax Lending is looking for a serious long-term candidate that will appreciate job security and growth. For example, a gunslinger draws his gun and we wonder what the resolution will be. New media (like flickr) give rise to many different versions. Fairly simplistic - many hyperlinks, large links, interactions, header. This is when someone puts their intent out onto the internet and then gets free support/information/ideas/labour from other people on the internet. Marketing professional specialized in Digital Projects and Social Media strategy with high level of adaptation, learning and creativity. Starting in the 1960s film critics began to criticise the auteur theorys focus on the authorial role of the director. The new specifications from 2017 are very specific about the theorists that students need to have an understanding of. (Queer Theory isnt just about homosexuality. Miroslav Ronk is an international expert on sustainable tourism development (GSTC certificate), tourism marketing and destination competitiveness. Althusser - Suggests that 'ideological state apparatus' is enforced by media, education, religion and family who maintain hegemony and enforce dominant values across society. Films are inherently assigned to a corpus and we tend to be able to identify which ones fit that corpus easier than others. An attitude is a positive, negative, or mixed evaluation of an object expressed at some level of intensity. The idea that the increasing power of global media corporations, together with the rise of convergent media technologies and transformations in the production, distribution and marketing of digital media, have placed traditional approaches to media regulation at risk. "In a world ordered by sexual imbalance, pleasure in looking has been split between active/male and passive/female". A-Level Media Studies Micro-Elements Component 1 > > > > > Component 2 > > Component 3 . The New Critics argued that speculation about an authors intention was secondary to the words on the page as the basis of the experience of reading literature. For this year's World Philosophy Day we asked some leading philosophers "What is the biggest philosophical question for the 21st century?". What features are there usually in a typical homepage? Jacques Derrida - A text cannot belong to no genre, it cannot be without a genre. (this contrasts with Keens ideas). David Bordwell notes, 'any theme may appear in any genre' (Bordwell 1989) One could argue that no set of necessary and sufficient conditions can mark off genres from other sorts of groupings in ways that all experts or ordinary film-goers would find acceptable' Essentially, genre is hard to classify as pure. Jonathan Schroeder - Viewing such recorded images gives the viewer's gaze a voyeuristic dimension., 'to gaze implies more than to look at - it signifies a psychological relationship of power, in which the gazer is superior to the object of the gaze' (Schroeder 1998, 208). theories of end of audience, including Shirky. 'on exclusive content, each issue has a balance of features on a diverse range of subjects, with blockbusting A-List celebrity exclusives that no other gay titles anywhere in the world can match, including the likes of David Bckham, Madonna and Daniel Radcliffe to name just three. Ang also adds that 'audience-hoodis becoming an even moremultifaceted,fragmented and diversified repertoire of practices and experiences' There is a lot more to audience its not just about their demographics such as gender, age and social class but rather its about the psychographics such as the audiences hobbies, habits and interests. A-level Media - Huck - Magazine Industry. Mulvey, Laura: Feminist Theory - the concept of women as objects in media and men as subjects. Revision workshops for second year students. What were the initial points to say about the website? theories around ethnicity and postcolonial theory including Gilroy. Attitude, as a 'gay' magazine, positions the audience as having a positive outlook on the LGBT community. wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn, Creativity is a mental and social process involving the discovery of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts. Having a background studying for degrees in Biology, and Communication, Media Practice and PR at University, I bring a methodical but creative approach to my work. I love to get to know and meet new people! Maslow - created a hierarchy of needs (pyramid with 5 descriptors originally although developed), useful when examining advertising and appeals to audiences at different levels. Kilbourne Suggests women are more often shown dismembered (just parts of their bodies shown), associated with products, shown as smaller than a man, engaged in various forms of ritualized subordination, prostrate or recumbent, bent or leaning back, infantilized (with finger coyly in their mouth, standing pigeon-toed, wearing little girl clothes, sucking on lollipops, etc.) Lacey does not see genres as fixed but as dynamic and changing over time. Raymond Williams: The Media is always dominated by the rich and powerful in society (Marxist Perspective), Tim Berners Lee (creator of internet) Openness empowers People. www.globaladmissions.com Global Admissions is an investor backed online platform for international students to apply to Universities. The Country peer crowd has been the focus of tobacco industry research and marketing but has yet to be the primary focus of public health research. Richard Dyer in 1973 argued that genres are pleasurable because they offer escapist fantasies into fictional worlds that remove the boredom of reality. He sees these worlds as Utopian that offer an abundance of energy, excitement and spontaneity. If we want to see a more "democratic" culture, we need to explore what mechanisms might have encouraged greater diversity in who participates, whose work gets seen, and what gets valued within the new participatory culture. The audience is now the producer. Sounds a bit dated now. Contested in some modern films/adverts of today. I have had a lot of experience within marketing in particular recently with golley slater who I just completed my apprenticeship with. A-Level Media - Attitude - Representation. Channels or vlogs with a large number of subscribers, such as Zoella's, can be economically lucrative due to the amount of web traffic generated. Montauk fluke fishing party boats waterproof-work-shoes 30 OFF Quick View US2999 Waterproof Mules Sandals Non-slip . Faust: Selling your soul to the devil may bring riches but eventually your soul belongs to him, e.g. Saussure - Concept of semiotics and language (linguistics) 1974 - the extended connotations of within a cultural system. Deborah Knight notes that 'satisfaction is guaranteed with genre; the deferral of the inevitable provides the additional pleasure of prolonged anticipation' (1994). 2017 Burton Mayers Books. Clay Shirky - The internet is run on love (people offering time, resources and knowledge to get stuff done) from Here Comes Everybody. The list should really be seen as a starting point for your own research and is not a be all and end all approach, but hopefully you will discover new ideas and arguments that you can bring into your exam writing. Exploring how Zoella utilises thumbnails to maximi What kind of magazines do Stream publish? P2 - Ownsership of Huck. He breaks a text down into these five areas: Tom Ryall (1998) says genre has become a cognitive repository of images, sounds, stories, characters, and expectations. A-level Media. Here are his main points, some expanded in detail. Term. Kaplan - Feminism - defined women as a distinct group in two approaches - essentialist approach and anti-essentialist approach (women constructed by male society). \hline \text { Buyer } & \begin{array}{c} Mr. and Mrs. Peters wish to build a home and must borrow $110,000 on a 30-year mortgage to do so. Attitude's website was only launched in 2016. Therefore, even if youre a woman, youre seeing the world of the film through a mans eyes. The distribution and funding possibilities of the internet are better than the traditional models. Each of these narrative types has a source, an original story upon which the others are based. '. Genres must change, innovate in order to succeed. Superman, Fatal Attraction. For most . Book publishing as we knew it is finished. When Peter trained the Miles to get better, Spider-, they . The internet and the mobile phone have triumphed. Task - Read this article, about the acquisition of Attitude by Stream media, Attitude and Zoella - Identity and David Guantlett, Attitude Online and the online magazine industy. It also explores cross-dressing, gender-ambiguity, gender-corrective surgery and intersexual identity). "In video our attention to the song shapes the way we perceive the image, but to an equal extent what we attend to in the image helps determine how we hear the music". This six- lesson resource concludes this tailored unit helping students engage with Section C of Component 2.Each contained lesson focuses on a part/parts of RAIL.This six-lesson lesson combines Industry and Audience and covers: -A contextual video exploring You Tube and Vlogging issues and debates. How does Jay Lemke link to the media language of the website? The representation of gay men and the subversion o WMN (R block countercultural magazine project), BUDGET (T block countercultural magazine project). Jonathan Culler (2001) describes narratology as comprising many strands implicitly united in the recognition that narrative theory requires a distinction between story, a sequence of actions or events conceived as independent of their manifestation, and discourse, the discursive presentation or narration of events.. Approach To The Innermost Cave the most dangerous confrontation yet, perhaps the location of the treasure, or the object of the quest. The Audit Bureau of Circulations is responsible for measuring the reach of different media across a range of platforms. In addition, the . Enigmas are puzzles, questions the audience wants answered. FEATURED ITEM: Arctic Cat M8000 Clutch Kit. Media language (pomo) and Industry contexts. Gledhill Genres can be seen as a kind of shorthand, increasing the efficiency of communication. Rapidly, we approach the final phase of the extensions of man. The Frankfurt School theorised in the 1920s and 30s that the mass media acted to restrict and control audiences to the benefit of corporate capitalism and governments. Bergers most famous written work, the 1972 book Ways of Seeing, offered not just an idea but also an invitation to see and know the world differently. Tim OSullivan (1998) argues that all media texts tell us some kind of story. Saris - The term Auteur Theory originated from Andrews Sarriss essay Notes on the Auteur Theory in 1962. Heargues that the media, especially news media, often create and/or enforce moral panics in the public. In both these examples, the male is active (the one doing the looking) and the female is passive (the one being looked at). Mental or physical torture may occur. 'Fair dealing' of third party materials is used for criticism and review purposes however if there are omissions or . Nye describes a society where the elite use technology to oppress and control mass groups of people. How does Attitude say about it's audience? Advertising: "Commercial photographs," Goffman points out, "involve carefully performed poses presented in the style of being 'only natural'." Toledo, Ohio Area. Dan Gillmor - For years Big Media (corporations such as Sky, Google and the BBC) have had control over who produces and shares media, and the information that people get. Genres are located in particular topic, structure and corpus. Neil Henry - Technology has caused a crisis in professional journalism. Paraphrasing allows you to interpret another theorists idea in your own words or simplify their point, whilst still giving them credit for the point you've made. How could you apply Gauntlett's identity theory? Attitude online website and it's audience, examined for Media Studies A-Level Succession funded through advertisement requires maintaining of the audience's attention whilst providing enough new content. Ethical professional journalism is essential to an informed, free and democratic society. Historic power roles: directors tend to be male, thus presenting a male representation of their subject. This is to accentuate the parts of their body which will attract a male audience. How could you apply Barthes and Semiotics to Attitude? The magazine treats people within the LGBT community just as people whoa re not would be treated in a normal tabloid such as The Sun. This is under review and effectively a BIG issue to watch. ', Nielsen Lean Forward On theWeb, users are engaged and want to go places and get things done. In digital form, the magazine is available . idea of post modern - describes this as hypermodality ( extra inter-connectedness). Net neutrality Adam Conover is an advocate and Youtuber, not the inventor of the term. How many magazines are aimed at gay men according to Wikipedia? The idea that cultural industry companies try to minimise risk and maximise audiences through vertical and horizontal integration, and by formatting their cultural products (e.g. In his book Who Owns the Future? Attitude Online is the online version of the print version of Attitude magazine. McLuhan's coinage for this new social organization is theglobal village. A-Level Media - Woman's Realm - Representation - Simple Guide for Students & teachers. \text { Down Payment } ', emotive language through repetition of 'missing out', vernacular language (use of everyday language) through 'straight from the horses's mouth', narrative authenticity through 'and my last proper chat about it was 2012', confessional narrative through 'it scared me to do it', content constantly updated shown through date '11th October 2016', Postmodernism (Baudrillard)- online is the ultimate simulacra, online vlogs have the drive for authenticity but can never be fully authentic as it is chosen what goes into them by gatekeeper, internet is hyperreal offering the best versions of everything, Gauntlett's identity theory- idea of sharing media as stories is evident through her blog, by sharing personal stories online she is imposing meanings on the things her audience experiences in their own day to day lives, audience uses the narrative they see on her vlogs to frame their own experiences, Hall's representation theory- key part is self-representation which Zoella does through being her own gatekeeper, fulfils female stereotype through makeup, fashion, pastel colours, comes across similarly to women's magazines, use of makeup arguably teaches young girls that they must wear it, Gilroy's postcolonial theory- all white people, unlike traditional media outlets she cannot cast other ethnicities, some may construct who they should surround themselves with from her videos, she is another white powerful figure in the media reinforcing colonial power, Butler's gender performativity theory- reinforces gender norms repeating them and reinforcing them in society, Context- over 16.8 million followers, creates user generated content, has a multi-channel network, earns money through monetisation through pay per click (PPC) or cost per impression (CPI/CPM), Hesmondhalgh's theory- horizontal integration through MCN, vertical integration through manager Dom at Gleam, Livingstone and Lunt's theory- Zoe tends to follow guidelines, CAP (Committee of Advertising Practicing) regulates Youtube, Target audience- 13-24 year olds, BC1C2 (youthful and energetic), Interaction through comments, polls, social media, Jenkin's fandom theory- fans imitate Zoella creating a subculture, create content inspired by her, fan fiction (textual poaching), Shirky's 'end of audience theory'- fan art and fan fiction, 'Scamella' scandal, The Sun article calling Zoe scandalous for posting a relatively innocent photo leading to, Conventions of online magazine- high image to text ratio, lede intro (includes who, what and where for the article), white space, teaser headlines, list article/articles in bullet points, emotive language, foreground adverting, wraparound advertising, sponsored content, Levi-Strauss theory of structuralism- focus on the LGBTQ+ community presents the idea of conflict, the community being the 'good' whilst those against it being the 'bad', forming the opposition, Front cover- 'The Masculinity Issue'- dark background and pink title, bold title, central image breaks conventions through the use of a man wearing makeup and having painted nails, use of a celebrity- Jake Shears lead singer of Scissor Sisters, Zanzibar article- shows community around the world and the news, reflects how the magazine not only writes 'fun' articles but also hard hitting news, 'suspicion of being gay' presents how being gay is still seen as a 'bad' thing in other places in the world and can lead to imprisonment or death, the word 'catch' is also used dehumanising the men and reflecting the inhumane treatment, 'encouraged citizens to report people suspected of being gay' turns people against the community again reflect Levi-Strauss' theory, 'these men must be released immediately' is emotive language reflecting how the readers of the article are likely to feel for those going through this, Represents a whole different group of people that the mainstream usually avoid, arguably the way the community is constructed presents a stereotype of how you must look and act, this is reinforced by the lack of presentation in the mainstream media, Gauntlett's identity theory- 'Attitude' does not show straight forward ideas about identity, agrees that the media is now more diverse allowing readers to pick and choose their identity, Butler's gender performativity theory- breaks conventions of gender norms reflecting how gender is a social construct, Gilroy's post-colonial theory- presents people of colour and their struggles, their sexuality is presented as their minority rather than their ethnicity, reduces colonial power through the construction of a different 'other', Sold worldwide as a physical magazine- the bullet pointed articles and teasers acts as snippets for the magazine, using the website as a marketing strategy for the product, Stars that have been included- Boy George, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Tom Daley, Prince William, Former conservative party leader David Cameron has also appeared on the cover, Magazine is often themed incorporating reader's other interests, male- factual writing style, high image to text ratio, 26-55- celebrity culture for this generation, reformer/aspirer- comments on social issues, aspirational feel, Interaction can occur through Facebook and Twitter, little interaction compared to Zoella, reflects how this is a company and not an individual, Gerbner's cultivation theory- repeated exposure of views normalises the LGBTQ+ community in the media, the use of celebrities reinforces this, pushing this community into the mainstream spotlight. A-level Media - Attitude Industry. These stories are as follows: Achilles: The fatal flaw that leads to the destruction of the previously flawless, or almost flawless, person, e.g. The characteristics of different media and its immediate and long-term effects on consumers are also varied (Doyle & Saunders, 1990).For instance, TV allows high-quality audio-visual content that is more suitable for product categories, which require . Young people need constant surveillance and monitoring. grouped by genre (colour line underneath article), Subscribe buttons- giving a number of different ways of consumption. Hodge and Kress genres are typical forms of texts which links producers, consumers, topic, medium, manner and occasion. Tapscott & Williams - Linked Web 2.0 to a new strand of economics (wikinomics, 2006) they said that audiences command and control the web. kirby and the forgotten land how many players. Fiske's Theory suggests that people naturally categorise events that take place in their reality in reference to texts they have experienced in the past: intertextual referencing. Currently working in the UMFCCI - Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, National level Non- Governmental Organization (NGO). Lippmann felt that the only feeling that anyone can have about an event, that they did not experience, is the feeling aroused by theirmental imageof that event. <br><br>A little further in the timeline, I grew a mature perspective on online marketing when I wanted . Douglas Kellner Cultural Studies and the 3 part approach to analysing media texts. THE ZOELLA APARTMENT - How are representations of What other products does the publisher publish? Instead of paying each individual for their contribution to the data pool, the Siren Servers concentrate wealth in the hands of the few who control the data centres. Miroslav has more than 25 years' experience in international tourism, research and effective destination promotion. Cyber dystopias centre around the principles of the individual losing control, becoming dependent and being unable to stop change. Important part of brand identity. A belief that students should be taught how to 'read' the media in an appropriate 'critical' style, A focus on Western mainstream traditional media, Vague recognition of internet and new digital media, as an 'add on' to the traditional media. 1> the set up 2> confrontation 3> resolution. theories of representation including Hall, feminist theories including bell hooks and Van Zoonen, theories of gender performativity including Butler. Christopher Booker's The Seven Basic Plots is a long book detailing seven common narratives seen across books and across film. How can audiences interact with producers of this media? Branston and Stafford also explain the framework of the uses and gratifications model of audience that supposes the individual consumer of media is the authority in the media/consumer relationship (274). comic relief (C3P0+), False hero villain that pretends to be good in order to trick the hero. If the work of media consumers was once silent and invisible, then new consumers are now noisy and public., In this emerging media system, consumers are transformed into participants who are expected to interact with each other each of us constructs our own personal mythology from bits and fragments of information we have extracted from the ongoing flow of media around us and transformed into resources through which we make sense of our everyday lives., Because there is more information out there than we can store in our heads, there is an added incentive for us to talk amongst ourselves about the media we consume. 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Are You Called To Be A Pastor Quiz, Internalizing And Externalizing Behavior Problems, Articles A